Turning your movement
into a lifetime of value

Unlock your physical potential.

Joshua Kaplan

CEO and Founder,
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Josh graduated from Boston University’s athletic training and physical therapy program back in 2016, and started his career at an outpatient clinic in San Francisco. Over the following 6 years he worked in a range of physical therapy settings including acute rehab, outpatient, and skilled nursing on both the east and west coasts with a few stops in Colorado. No matter where he found himself, he always enjoyed his work as a physical therapist. As covid emerged in 2020 Josh found himself in Western Massachusetts in a nursing home setting. Different emerging trends in healthcare led to the founding of EnPhysion Health in February of 2021 and since then he has focused intently on creating a high quality membership experience that transforms the lives of EnPhysion’s clients. In his free time he enjoys family time, skiing, enlightening conversation, traveling, and spending time with friends.

Rachel Barg

Head of Operations

Rachel graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago department of Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise and Fitness in 2013. After graduation, she started working full-time as a Coach at a CrossFit Gym where she found her passion for training. She went on to create her own personal training company and simultaneously went back to graduate school to get her Masters in Sports Administration from Northwestern University. She has worked in corporate wellness companies and University settings to design and implement health coaching behavior change programs. Most recently she was thrilled to join EnPhysion and use her experience to help bring sustainable, convenient, and effective movement programs to people all over the country. 

Kate O’Sullivan

Head EnPhysion Trainer

Kate joined Enphysion in 2022 after 10 years working in a gym setting and 5 years working in both outpatient and home care physical therapy. Kate was drawn to Enphysion’s philosophy believing wholeheartedly that movement is medicine and daily movement is imperative to living a fulfilled, healthy life! When Kate is not seeing clients, she loves spending time with her three dogs and working out in her home gym! 

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